The religious tattoos are a subject that has always existed in the culture of tattoos. Probably the first subject of tattoos in different cultures around the world were made to celebrate a deity. They are made to prove their faith, or as a gesture of gratitude to overcome a difficult time in their lives.
As mentioned it is a theme that has embraced all cultures of the world:
In Egypt for example the first religious tattoo on a woman was found, who bore the effigy of their goddess of fertility.
In India are representations of the main deities like Ganesh, Shiva and Kali, or symbols considered sacred as Om. Very common are those related to the Christian religion, the cross, the Virgin Mary, pictures of Christ or of rosaries for prayer, though there is still a dispute about whether or not to tattoo. In Leviticus 19:28, we read: You shall not make any cuttings in the flesh, nor you will get tattoos on yourself, I am the Lord.
The religious tattoo can also act as a charm against evil spirits, against the dangers and difficulties of life, they are also representations such as demons in Japanese culture, Mayan Indians, etc..