A wolf tattoo can have both positive and negative connotations. Some of the meanings are: devotion, masculinity, victory, courage, dark forces, pride and family ties. Wolves are ravenous predators known for their hunting skills and typically howling at the full moon. The wolf is a symbol of fidelity, they are animals that move in packs and all the components of flock meet strict hierarchical rules dictated by the leader of the pack, the alpha male. It is one of the few animals that mate for life, and from this we understand the strong family bond that distinguishes them from other species.
These animals are known for their ability to cope easily in any situation, especially environmental, from arid deserts to the coldest climates. Some legends also speak of the wolf as a companion of Satan, who helps him to give birth to the Anti-Christ. It is a subject that can take on different meanings depending on the connotation that you want to assign: can live comfortably alone or can be inserted into a broader context, while howling at the moon, while growling or even stylized with tribal elements. Browse the galleries and look to see if the wolf tattoo is right for you!